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We Only Sell Interesting

Black Ink Boston is a "design laboratory” with an ever changing inventory. Rubber stamps, Tin Tin books, Japanese trinkets, unusual paperclips, unique greeting cards. There’s a little something for everyone, with a decidedly idiosyncratic slant. 

The big idea is to position Black Ink as stores where only sell interesting.



Campaign 1: Interactive magazine ad

Because it's ever changing inventory, the shopping experience could be like a journey of exploration. By maximizing the interactive potential of the magazine environment, audiences are invited to engage with the ads by using magnifying glass to discover the word "interesting", which is made from innovative objects. This execution also makes a statement about what kind of things can be expected in store. 

Open the letter to see the objects behind.

Reveal the word "interesting" through the cut out letters.

Campaign 2: Print ad

Through campaign 1, it established an understanding about that is Black Ink and what it sells. Campaign 2 uses bold, playful photographs (credit to Paul Fuentes), to deeply connect Black Ink with the idea of "interesting". "Interesting" is created as the unique brand identity for Black Ink to stand out in marketplace.

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